Le track idéal pour détruire un dancefloor ? Best track to slaughter a dancefloor?
Oh yes.
Le track idéal en after ? Best track for an after party?
Sexy acid and perfectly executed singing: everything you need to keep yourself from leaving.
Le track idéal pour commencer un set ? Best track to start a set?
This would also be my tune for travelling to parallel dimensions.
Le track idéal pour avoir le smile ? Best track to make people smile?
Pure love.
Le track idéal pour se délecter d’un 18 ans d’age dans un fauteuil au coin du feu ? Best track with an 18 year old wine sitting in a rocking chair next to the fireplace?
Pfff.. No words.
Le track idéal pour replonger en enfance ? Best track to dive back into childhood?
Best game ever.
Le track idéal pour te réveiller ? Best track to wake you up?
Getting into everyday groove with class.
Le track idéal à n’importe quelle heure ? Best track at any time?
Pun intended.
Le track idéal pour caractériser tes productions ? Best track to characterize your productions?
Intergalactic brain massage.
Le track idéal pour résumer tes inspirations musicales ? Best track to summarize your musical inspirations?
Rob Hood is a master of his groove which feels so human and alien at the same time. There’s nothing like it.